Chess Masterclass: How GMs find the Best Moves? Best Tips & Ideas to Improve your Game, Play Better

Here’s a Masterclass on how Chess Grandmasters think & find the best moves in any position. In this video, I will reveal all the secret tips and techniques that grandmasters use to improve their chess game. These secret chess tips will help you get better at chess & improve your game very fast. These ideas will help you in understanding the basics of chess thinking, which will ultimately teach you how to win in chess games. This will help you in training for middlegames & master chess calculations. You will learn the best ways to find good moves quickly & also discuss the concept of candidate moves. I also have an interesting Chess Puzzle for you at the end of this video. Let’s see if you can solve that.

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Video Timestamps:
0:00 : Average Chess Players vs Grandmasters
0:54 : Concept of Candidate Moves
1:57 : Forcing Moves & Tactics. Watch this as well:
2:36 : General Principles
3:39 : Resolving Piece Problems
4:18 : Chess Analysis with DecodeChess
5:33 : Intuition in Chess
5:47 : Magnus Carlsen Reveals a Secret
6:32 : Move Consistency
7:17 : Analyzing your opponent’s last move. Watch This as well:
7:32 : Reality Check
8:04 : Chess Puzzle

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Also, Check out my previous chess videos:
Unique Chess Endgame Puzzle with Solution:
Evans’ Gambit Tricks & Traps:
Englund Gambit Tricks & Traps:
Traxler Counter Attack #1:
Traxler Counter Attack #2:
Sicilian Defense Trap:
Fried Liver Attack: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
Two Knights Defense Traps: Chess Opening Tricks to Win Fast:
Budapest Gambit Traps: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Halosar Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Chess Opening Tricks & Traps in Queen’s Gambit Accepted:
Siberian Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Stafford Gambit: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Fishing Pole Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Legal’s Mate Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
How to Checkmate with 2 Bishops & a King:
Lasker Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
Blackburne Shilling Gambit: Secret Chess Opening Trick & Puzzle:
Poison Pawn Trap: Chess Opening Trick to Win Fast:
Tennison Gambit: 4 Secret Tricks to WIN FAST:
#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani


  1. Your videos are really helpful I am 1400 rated player and I started playing chess on march 2022.

  2. White:c6
    White: Rd8

    And checkmate the next move

    If black doesn't take the queen. You take the bishop then it's checkmate

  3. queen to c7 and then rook to d8 checkmate

  4. For the puzzle, queen to d8 is simply checkmate…

  5. Knight c6 is threatening mate so bishop has to take. the queen take bishop with check. king moves to b8 and rook to d8 is checkmate

  6. 1)Qc6 bxa5
    2)Rd8+ Qc8
    3)Rxc8 checkmate

  7. In the puzzle my move was Qc7, Qe4 defending the mate then Rd8 then Bc8 then Rxc8# Am i wrong? please correct me if i am

  8. Rook e1 and then opponent will move any discrete move and then e8 rook we will win the game by check mate

  9. QxC6 , BxQc6 , Rd8 , QxC8 , RxQc8 checkmate!

  10. Explanation of my chosen moves:
    QxC6 will sacrifice the queen to threaten force checkmate with the next deadly move Rd8.

    BxQc6 will capture vulnerable queen.

    Rd8 will check the king.

    QxC8 is forced.

    RxQc8 is the beautiful checkmate without any further threats.

  11. Grandmasters uses there subconscious mind to predict perfect 1or 2 candidate moves then they analyse that moves ,subconscious mind only work if you developed your brain by doing more and more practice when our subconscious mind almost accurately predicts the perfect move this is called gun it works almost instantly in archery many professional players sometimes totally become dependent on there subconscious mind they don't even focuses on there target 🎯 it's so amazing practice is the only key

  12. queen d8 check blocks with bishop kill bishop checkmate

  13. Queen to D8, Forced move, bishop to C8, queen captures, thus leading to check mate

  14. move the queen to d8 the black bishop moves c8 to defend queen then eat the bishop checkmate

  15. Puzzle solution 8:08 – 1 Nc6 Bxc6 2 Qxc6+ Kb8 3 Rd8+ Qc8 4 Qxc8#/Rxc8#

  16. Глупое видео, которое может быть могут смотреть только американцы. Как найти ходы кандидаты? Никак. Если у человека нет таланта, он может веками искать эти ходы, и не найдет никогда. Вы никак не сказали, как их искать. Шахматы это 100%игра талантов. Не надо обманывать тех, у кого таланта нет.

  17. The only thing i dont agree to is that he said it is impossible to calculate more than 3 candidate moves we can actually do that if we somehow know how to access the brain fully then we can even defeat stockfish

  18. I will suggest two moves for white first Nc6 and second Qd8+

  19. Nc6, if Bc6, Qc6, Kb8, Rd8.
    Nc6, if Ba6, Qb8

  20. Well I think queen to c7 also works
    pls correct me if I am wrong

  21. Your videos are really helpful and awesome!

  22. Don't give me a heart bcz your heart is necessary for all free learners❤😂

  23. I am very weak , can u give me useful tips? I am 100 rated…

  24. Answer:- First sacrificing our queen 👑 by playing queen to C6 then the Bishop will take it then we will simply play Rook to D8 then only one legal move for that is queen to C8 then we will simply take the queen 👑 and that is a beautiful checkmate

  25. Sir, we can simply push our queen to c7, after he takes our knight by his pawn we will simply move our rook to d8 and would give him a beautiful check so, to protect it if he will move hi bishop to c8 then we can take his bishop giving him one more check, then he has only option to kill rook by his queen and then we move our queen to c8 and kill his queen and he will me completely lost and in other case ife he will move his queen to protect it from rook, he will completely lost his queen by rook giving king one more check then he has to kill it by bishop, then our queen takes his bishop and then he will be completely lost.

  26. Jitu sir, you are a legend my elo rating is now 2500 because of you sir.

  27. Nc6 Qc8 Qd8 Qxd8 Rxd8 Bc8 Rxc8 Kb7 Nd7

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