Coffee Chess Analysis: Boston Mike vs The Chess Giant! Solomon Ruddell’s Coffee Chess Debut!

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Coffee Chess Analysis: Boston Mike vs The Chess Giant! Solomon Ruddell’s Coffee Chess Debut!

Most of you here have probably heard of the Coffee Chess YouTube channel. It is one of the biggest (and best) chess channels in the world right now. I got invited to come and play with the guys, so of course I was thrilled to take the opportunity, and I honestly had a real fun time. Early in the day, I got paired up against Boston Mike, one of the best trash talkers on the channel, and one of the few old school players. Definitely has some Joe Rogan vibes, and it was fun to play against him!

In this video, I analyze the game we had. I have to admit, this game is far from a masterpiece! I made many mistakes, and was honestly lucky to come out with the win. Obviously, analyzing grandmaster games should be the majority of chess game analysis. They are the best to do it, and therefore, are instructive to watch! However, I believe that sometimes it is good to go over beginner, or even expert level games, to show what chess grandmasters don’t do. It is important to see what the difference is in chess players, so that we can avoid the bad, and hold onto the good! So I do hope you learn from both our good moves, and our bad, and learn something from this game on the Coffee Chess YouTube channel!

Our Game in Real Time!

Coffee Chess YouTube Channel!

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  1. Appreciate your insight, thanks for sharing.

  2. you have such a nice soothing voice. It is very calming and perfect for meditating apps.

  3. Enjoyed your ideas behind your moves. Nice 👍 video 😊.

  4. I got nervous when You missed the mate, but at the end You still won so I relaxed.
    7'1" is a very very amazing height, I have a friend who is 6'8" his dad is 6'3" and his mom 5'10", so I don't know how he grew that tall.
    My brother is 6'1.5" he had knee problems in his teens because he grew too fast (that was what the doctor said), did You ever had knees or lower back issues for being so tall?.

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