Crushing Tactics in the Jobava London! | OTB Chess Analysis

Crushing Tactics in the Jobava London! | OTB Chess Analysis
In today’s video I go over my round 3 and 5 games at the NS closed.
I managed to play a good game in round 3 against a slightly lower rated player. I used an offbeat line in the jobava london to trick my opponent into an unfamiliar position and managed to trick him into a winning tactical sequence for me. My round 5 game was an overall dissapointment, after getting a unfamiliar position out of the opening I proceeded to blunder away all my advantages and get a drawn endgame. I then resigned in a drawn position because of my mental situation and lack of calculation definetly here it is important to remember: never surrender!.

time stamps:
00:00 – Jobava London vs 2056
10:50 – Fighting the pterodactyl against a 2189

#chess @jobavalondon