My Showdown Game || Naiditsch vs Kovalenko || Chess Analysis

Arkadij Naiditsch analyzes the game which made him and his team Bundesliga Champion 2020. Dive into the analysis of one of the sharpest attacking chess players in the world.

Schachbundesliga Championship
Naiditsch, Arkadij vs Igor Kovalenko
20.09.2020, Round 7

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 b6 3. c4 Bb7 4. Nc3 e6 5. g3 Bb4 6. Bg2 Bxc3+ 7. bxc3 O-O 8.O-O Re8 9. Re1 Qc8 10. Qc2 Be4 11. Qb3 d6 12. Bf1 Nc6 13. Bg5 Na5 14. Qd1 Nd7 15. Nd2 Bg6 16. e4 f6 17. Be3 Qb7 18. h4 Bf7 19. Nb3 Nc6 20. d5 Ne7 21. h5 e5 22. h6 g5 23. Bh3 Rad8 24. Qf3 Nc8 25. Bxd7 Rxd7 26. Qxf6 Bg6 27. Qxg5 Rf7 28. f4 exf4 29. gxf4 Rxe4 30. Bd4 Rf5 31. Qg3 Re7 32. Be3 Ref7 33. Nd4 Ne7 34. Nxf5 Nxf5 35. Qg5 Qc8 36. Bd4 Qf8 37. Re6 Nxd4 38. cxd4 Rf5 39. Qg3 Qxh6 40. Re8+ Kg7 41. Re7+ Kh8 42. Rf1 Bh5 43. Rf2 Qf6 44. Rxc7 Bg6 45. Qe3 Qh4 46. Rh2 Qg4+ 47. Rg2 Qd1+ 48. Kf2 Rf8 49. c5 Bd3 50. Rg5 Qc2+ 51. Kg1 Qb1+ 52. Kh2 Be4 53. Kg3 Qc2 54. Qf2 Qd3+ 55. Kh2 Qd1 56. cxd6 h6 57. Rgg7 Qh1+ 58. Kg3 Bf5 59. Qh2 Qe1+ 60. Qf2 Qh1 61. Qg2 Qe1+ 62. Kh2 Qh4+ 63. Kg1 Qe1+ 64. Qf1 Qe4 65. Qf2 Qxd5 66. Qe3 Be4 67. f5 Rf6 68. Rh7+ Kg8 69. Qg3+ 1-0

This game secured the champion title for the OSG Baden-Baden.

On Sunday OSG Baden-Baden earned their 14th Bundesliga title in 15 years by winning the round-robin championship tournament in Karlsruhe, Germany. Many players returned to over-the-board chess for the first time in months and seemed quite inspired as lots of great games were played.


  1. Top Analyse von Arcadij! Muss auch sagen, Arkadij Naiditsch war bei diesem Turnier
    insgesamt gut drauf und in Bestform. Gratulation zu Arkadijs Superperformance!

  2. Well explained! Thx Mr Naiditsch!
    For me it is the most important! I can see 100 good games in a game selection, but It is much better to understand at least sg from it.

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