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——— About video ———————
paul morphy vs ernest morphy 1849 .This chess game was very intresting.We provide chess games analysis tamil and chess games tamil.Paul Morphy vs ernest morphy 1849. This match was held on 1849. Ernest Morphy was paul Morphy’s uncle. He plays like in tamil we say sathuranga chanakyan.Chess analysis using stockfish 15 engine.
———-Hash tags———–
#paulmorphy #1849 #chess #chessanalysis
——–About Our channel —————-
Our moto is to develop chess knowledge to tamil people to achieve more in chess.Because chess was discovered in India. Chess games improves our brain thinking speed. Logical thinking, reciprocal thinking, photographic memory and also helps to increase iq level.Playing chess as a passion will improve your study . We are all heard about ‘Aala poraan tamilan ‘ so tamil people will always dominate the chess world. Next world champion was tamilan. We are all be very proud to say a
we will dominate the chess world.Thats the reason for this channel .So our channel neame was tamil chess coach .
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